Merle Works Creative Direction

Merle Works Creative Direction + Site Design
Creative Direction, Photo Shoot Art Direction, Photo Composites, Website Design
How do you get a new apparel brand to stand apart in a saturated market? It certainly helps when the brand’s founder has a crystal clear vision for the company and what it stands for, beyond just a description of what’s being sold. Merle Works makes hand-dyed apparel and gifts with magical messages for inspired giving and receiving. The company’s purpose and tag line is “Experiments in color, magic, and joy.”
I was tasked with the design and creative direction for a Merle Works website and after having initial discussions with the brand’s founder, Dallas, I understood her vision for where she wanted to take the company. The photography needed to speak directly to the personality of this unique brand. We ended up shooting a concept that incorporated hints of surrealism, which effectively brought the right quality to the images. The website itself was adapted from a Squarespace e-commerce template.
Photography: Ciara Perrone