elisa bates studio
Creative direction and design for arts, media and lifestyle companies.


Belgravia Initial Concepts

Belgravia Initial Concepts

Worked on concept ideas and comps for the next season of Belgravia to be presented to the external agency that will be creating the key art.

Billy the Kid Key Art Concepts

Billy the Kid Key Art Concepts

Worked on concept ideas and comps for the next season of Billy the Kid to be presented to the external agency that will be creating the key art.

The Winter King Type Treatments

The Winter King Type Treatments

Early ideas for type treatments for a new series that is a retelling of the King Arthur story.

Belgravia Type Treatments

Belgravia Type Treatments

Type ideas for the season 2 of Belgravia.

Amityville: An Origin Story

Amityville: An Origin Story

Early type treatment ideas for a new docuseries focussing on the Amityvile Horror house.